Even slight typos such as capitalization and spacing can stop Spotify from giving you access to your accounts and mesmerizing playlists. Sometimes we are in a hurry and end up typing the wrong email address or password.

There might be viruses and bugs on your smartphone.You are trying to access your Spotify account from a different location.You have not downloaded the latest version of the Spotify app.You have a wobbling internet connection.Besides that, here are other reasons why your Spotify is unable to log in: You may get logged out of Spotify due to several reasons ranging from viruses to device glitches. Also, continue reading the article to know how to use Spotify without Facebook.

Continue reading this article to resolve Spotify not logging in with Facebook in simple steps. However, users often report Spotify unable to login which makes their experience frustrating. It is a podcast, music, and video service platform that lets you unlock thousands of songs and entertaining content from all around the world. Over the years, several online music streaming apps have made their way into our lives.